Visiting professors


Visiting professors staying at ETH by invitation.


The purpose of the stay is teaching and research. Visiting professors are involved in ongoing research projects and teaching.


  • Employment as a scientist at a domestic or international university or research institute
  • Invitation from a department/professorship
  • Approval by the head of department
  • DownloadVacation confirmation (DOCX, 13 KB)
  • Physical presence
  • the stay lasts 3 to 12 months, but no longer than 24 months (2 years)

Work and residence permit

A work and residence permit may be obtained through ETH for this guest category.

The document DownloadDocuments for guests (PDF, 131 KB) (in German) lists the documents required for each guest category and the regulations for work permits and family reunification.


General overview

The authorisations for all guest categories can be found on the General overview of authorisations website.

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